Monkey Bread Muffins

August 13, 2008 at 10:42 am 24 comments

Monkey bread is a staple at my husband’s family holiday get togethers every year.

Every Christmas, we always know we’ll get our fill of monkey bread b/c T’s brother is the monkey bread master. He makes them in mini disposable foil loafs and gives them out as part of his Christmas gifts. Who doesn’t love edible gifts right? Monkey bread is like a pull apart cinnamon roll. Its just fun to eat!

My BIL’s recipe is very simple. He uses Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls. You know what I am talking about right? Its the prepackaged dough that comes in the cylinder tube that you twist and pops open. No matter how many times I’ve opened a tube, I still jump when it *pops*! No laughing. I don’t diss Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls. That’s some good stuff.

That’s why I was intrigued when I was flipping through my latest Everyday with Rachael Ray magazine and saw Monkey Bread Minis on page 57. I personally think “muffins” vs “minis” sounds cuter so I renamed it b/c I can. Its my blog! LOL. I immediately earmarked that page b/c I knew I wanted to try this scratch recipe vs my BIL’s tried and true prepackaged recipe.

(Recipe from Everyday w/ Rachael Ray | photos from me!)

Makes 12 muffins


For muffins
1-1/2 sticks unsalted butter, chilled
3 tbsp maple syrup
1/3 cup + 2 tbsp granulated sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp ground cinnamon
2 cups flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 buttermilk, chilled

For icing
1 cup powder sugar
2 tbsp whole milk


To make muffins—
Preheat oven to 425F.

In a small bowl microwave 4 tbsp butter and maple syrup at high power until melted, about 30 secs; stir. Set aside.

In another small bowl combine 1/3 granulated sugar, brown sugar and cinnamon. Set aside.

In a food processor, combine flour, baking powder, the remaining 2 tbsp granulated sugar and salt; pulse to combine. Cut the remaining 1 stick of butter into smaller pieces and pulse with flour mixture until course crumbs form. Pulse in the buttermilk until the dough just comes together.

Transfer to a lightly floured surface; pat into a 10 inch square. Quarter the dough, then cut each quarter into 16 equal pieces; roll into balls.

Ok not exactly a square, so sue me!

Dip each ball into the maple butter then dip in the sugar mixture. Place about 5 to 6 maple-sugar balls into the muffin cup and press to compact.

Bake until cooked through and golden, about 15-17 minutes. (Tent with foil if the tops darken too quickly.) Transfer muffin pan to rack and cool for 10 minutes. Using a knife; loosen the sides of the monkey bread; invert and serve warm.

To make icing—
Mix powder sugar and milk. Drizzle over the bread as it cools.


Husband rating: A
He was a fan but forced himself not to go back for 2nds b/c he’s on a diet. *rolls eyes*

Wifey rating: A
I am not on a diet so I ate more than 1 (or 2 or 3). Mmmm… cinnamon-sugar goodness. Do I think its better than my BIL’s recipe? I’d say that its slightly better b/c of the scratch factor but to be honest scratch was alot more work than I originally thought for 12 muffins. If I were pressed for time, prepackaged is quicker, easier and tastes about the same.

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TWD #25: Life is like an ice-cream cone… Foodie Question of the Day

24 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Nicole  |  August 13, 2008 at 10:46 am

    That is a genius idea, it’s so adorable!!

  • 2. slush  |  August 13, 2008 at 10:53 am

    We love us some monkey bread. And the pillsbury route is sooo much easier. Even I do that. :)

  • 3. CB  |  August 13, 2008 at 10:57 am

    NICOLE, thanky! They were pretty darn cute. Notice I said “were”. LOL

    SLUSH, haha. Good to know you have your pre-packaged moments.

  • 4. April  |  August 13, 2008 at 1:00 pm

    Oh man. My granny and I used to make monkey bread all of the time. I made some for Christmas this past year to bring into work and it was a huge hit. I LOVE this stuff but I never make it….should make it soon!

  • 5. CB  |  August 13, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    APRIL, Everyone loves monkey bread! How could you not? dough, sugar, cinnamon, icing goodness… Mmmm

  • 6. Melissa  |  August 13, 2008 at 1:08 pm

    We always make them with the pre-packaged biscuit dough, I had never heard of using cinnamon rolls, but it sounds delicious! I think I will definitely try this recipe as well, they look so good!

  • 7. howtoeatacupcake  |  August 13, 2008 at 1:10 pm

    Mmmmm monkey bread <333333333

  • 8. CB  |  August 13, 2008 at 1:11 pm

    MELISSA, really? I am pretty sure that my BIL uses the cinnamon roll tube. Maybe I better double check my facts huh? LOL

    HTEAC, so you like it or…? You’re kinda cryptic. HAHA!

  • 9. Nevis  |  August 13, 2008 at 1:17 pm

    Looks delicious but I’d definatly shorten the recipe with store-bought busicuts.

  • 10. CB  |  August 13, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    NEVIS, Ditto. Sometimes time is more precious than scratch. Yes I said it!

  • 11. Nina  |  August 13, 2008 at 1:42 pm

    I always bring money bread to the IL’s on Christmas morning…. wanna know my bread secret? Frozen dinner rolls! Get the kind that hasn’t been cooked at all and just let them thaw/rise and cut them into pieces. Actually my recipe you mix everything up the night before (with the dough still frozen) and leave it in the oven (turned off) over night and when you wake up, just turn it on!

  • 12. CB  |  August 13, 2008 at 1:53 pm

    NINA, Frozen dinner rolls! Hmmm maybe I am mistaken about my BIL’s recipe. I swear he told me pillsbury cinnamon roll but I’ll have to go confirm now hearing other comments about dinner roll dough, biscuit dough…

  • 13. Di  |  August 13, 2008 at 7:16 pm

    What a great idea. I haven’t made monkey bread in forever. I bet my girls would love these.

  • 14. CB  |  August 13, 2008 at 7:18 pm

    DI, I bet you’re right! Being a kid at heart myself, I can’t imagine any kid not loving monkey bread!

  • 15. Mary Ann  |  August 14, 2008 at 6:36 am

    So glad that someone else tried this first so I could know if it is good or not- I have it marked for an afterschool snack for next week. It looks delicious and now since I have seen a great review- I will roll forward with it!

  • 16. CB  |  August 14, 2008 at 7:43 am

    MARYANN, awesome. Let me know what you think after you make it!

  • 17. Aimee  |  August 15, 2008 at 10:44 am

    Mmm, these look like they would be fun to make with kids! Count me in!

  • 18. CB  |  August 15, 2008 at 10:50 am

    AIMEE, Oh I think kids would have a great time dipping each dough ball in gooey maple syrup and sugar! If you blog about it, send me the link!

  • 19. amanda  |  August 16, 2008 at 10:45 am

    I just pulled this recipe out of the magazine a few days ago! It’s good to hear that you guys liked them. I need to make them for my little boy.

  • 20. CB  |  August 16, 2008 at 10:57 am

    AMANDA, How fun! Definitely make it with your little boy. My little brother (well… he’s 17 and taller than me! haha) loved them.

  • 21. Hannah  |  August 16, 2008 at 1:44 pm

    I love monkey bread, this looks so good! Awesome recipe!

  • 22. CB  |  August 16, 2008 at 1:49 pm

    HANNAH, trust me… its gooooood. If you like that sort of thing – sugar, maple syrup, cinnamon ;)

  • 23. Kelly H  |  August 16, 2008 at 7:51 pm

    Monkey bread is so decadent… it’s the perfect Sunday brunch food. We use it to make French toast.

  • 24. CB  |  August 16, 2008 at 9:27 pm

    KELLY, Mmmm… french toast. I lurve french toast. ::droool::


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