Foodie Question of the Day

December 21, 2008 at 10:46 am 8 comments

I am curious… (Thanks goodness I am not a cat!)

1. How long does it take you to blog about [insert recipe here] after you are done cooking/baking it?
2. Favorite and least favorite part of blogging?
3. Are you a morning, afternoon, evening blogger?
4. What are your feelings about ads on blogs?
5. Foodie events. Yay or nay? If yay what do you participate in?

1. It depends for me. I try to blog pretty soon after I eat whatever I cook/bake so that I have all the little cooking details, adaptions, substitutions, tips etc in my head but there are times when its not possible so I try to be flexible and hope my crappy short term memory will maintain until then. HAHA. When I do get to post it usually takes me about 30-60 minutes per post depending on how many pictures I post and how much I write.
2. Favorite: comments and making new blogger friends — Least favorite: spam
3. Again it depends. I probably blog more in the evening but I have been known to continue blog posts in the morning too.
4. I don’t mind ads b/c let’s be honest, I wouldn’t mind getting paid for blogging either but I don’t like when the ads take over the blog and its more about the ads than the posts.
5. Yay! I love foodie events. They inspire me and allow me to bake outside my comfort zone. Definitely the biggest perk is meeting so many other amazing food bloggers out there! Right now I participate in Tuesdays with Dorie, Craving Ellie in my Belly, Art You Can Eat and various cupcake events.

Happy Sunday everyone! Can you believe Christmas is in 4 days??

Entry filed under: Foodie Question of the Day.

[Note to self] Bunday Monday

8 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Joelen  |  December 21, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    1. How long does it take you to blog about [insert recipe here] after you are done cooking/baking it?
    When I have a general idea of what I’m planning on making, I’ll type up the recipe and save it as a draft. When I finally get around to making the recipe, I’ll post the pics and tweak the original recipes with any changes/substitutions I’ve made when I prepared it. So usually after I make the dish, I’ll post it within a few hours from making it – whenever I get a chance to post the pic! It’s a great time saver especially when I have days where I’m making a slew of recipes for various entertaining parties I host.

    2. Favorite and least favorite part of blogging?
    All the recipes I find that I want to make…. but not having enough time to make them all!

    3. Are you a morning, afternoon, evening blogger?
    24/7 blogger. Working from home makes it easy to blog any old time!

    4. What are your feelings about ads on blogs?
    Not a fan since I think they distract me from reading the blog. The “blinkie” ads are the worst!

    5. Foodie events. Yay or nay? If yay what do you participate in?
    I host many of them a month. I like them because it kinda creates more of a blogging community for me. It allows me to stay in touch with other fellow food bloggers… and help other bloggers who participate get some exposure and boost some traffic to their blogs! When I get a chance to check out other events, I’ll participate if I have a recipe on hand that’s fitting for the event.

  • 2. karen  |  December 21, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    1. How long does it take you to blog about [insert recipe here] after you are done cooking/baking it?
    I usually do it within a few hours. Otherwise, I can’t seem to finish the post. I have three things right now waiting as drafts that I don’t feel like finishing because I made them weeks ago.

    2. Favorite and least favorite part of blogging?
    Favorite: finding connections with other bloggers and seeing something innovative. Least Favorite: All the things I don’t have time to make.

    3. Are you a morning, afternoon, evening blogger?
    Early morning or late evening.

    4. What are your feelings about ads on blogs?
    Food related… ok. Not food related… can’t stand them.

    5. Foodie events. Yay or nay? If yay what do you participate in?
    I only do TWD and Barefoot Bloggers now. The one thing I don’t like about them is that the content on my blog is similar to others at the same time. But it’s great to try to new things and see how all the experiences compare among bloggers. So I say Yay!

  • 3. Meg  |  December 21, 2008 at 3:29 pm

    1. How long does it take you to blog about [insert recipe here] after you are done cooking/baking it?
    I usually try to do it right after I finish unless it’s dinner, in which case I blog after we eat. I just have to remember to get the camera, or I’m done before I remember I needed photos.
    2. Favorite and least favorite part of blogging?
    favorite… eating it! least favorite… again, remembering to take photos while I’m preparing the food.
    3. Are you a morning, afternoon, evening blogger?
    evenings during the week, afternoon or evenings on weekends
    4. What are your feelings about ads on blogs?
    as long as they’re not horridly obtrusive, I can deal. :)
    5. Foodie events. Yay or nay? If yay what do you participate in? Yay! I’ll participate if I can afford it, and I love large conventions/shows.

  • 4. Alyssa  |  December 21, 2008 at 4:10 pm

    1. I don’t have a blog, :( (but I would love one!!) but I do record my recipes and I usually do that right after I bake, cook, or eat it.
    2. What I hate about recording my recipes that that i am horrible at typing and i record my recipes on the computer. What I love about it is that it gives me an excuse to delay what I am suppose to be doing. ;)
    3. I am usually an evening blogger because that is when I have time to cook / bake.
    4. Um, I never really have seen ads for blogs but i think that is king of odd.
    5. I think those are awesome! I would defiantly join one… if i had a blog. ;(

  • 5. Tanya  |  December 21, 2008 at 5:14 pm

    1. It usually takes around 30-45 minutes to post a blog entry. Sometimes longer if I’m busy doing other things.
    2. Favorite: receiving comments on my posts. Least favorite: feeling bad if I don’t post in a while. I feel like I lose a lot of readers if I’m not constantly posting.
    3. Evening for sure.
    4. I think they’re fine, as long as they aren’t plastered everywhere.
    5. Yay and nay. I like groups that keep the rules simple. Make the recipe and post about it on a certain date. I’m sorry, but when I have to post, upload my pictures to different websites, make sure my post is correctly tagged, and a million other things, it’s just too much. I’ve got other things to do!

  • 6. Amy  |  December 22, 2008 at 11:44 am

    1. Oh Muh Gawd, I feel like it takes me forever to post something! I would say from start to finish it is anywhere from 60 minutes. As I am making something I will write what I did, what I am doing, and hopefully I remember to take pictures! I usually try to write it up the day I did it, but I have been know to hold something in reserve for a while!
    2. Favorite: I love comments and finding myself inspired Least favorite: Finding time to blog!
    3. I check things out in the morning, but I generally don’t post until evening when everyone is asleep.
    4. I don’t mind them, I do have some on mine. But, I doubt they’ll ever get me any moola so I’m thinking about getting rid of them.
    5. Oh yes! I do Barefoot Bloggers, Iron Cupcake, and I am a Daring Baker. I just got the Dorie Cookbook so I am tempted to join Tuesdays with Dorie, but I don’t know if I should commit to another thing. I love having a forum to read others experience with the same dish.

  • 7. Caitlin  |  December 22, 2008 at 12:57 pm

    Whoa, that’s cheating. Waaay more than one foodie question. I call foul! (And yet will still answer all of them…)

    1: Ha! Anywhere from 2 hrs to 2 months. I have things in queue from October, and am posting things the same afternoon that I make them. Depends on how much I like them, generally.
    2: Favorite – the people, and their feedback, and the foodporn. Least Favorite – Occasionally not having enough time for this rather time-consuming habit
    3: All of the above? Depends on how busy work is :P
    4: I have them, but only because I really like the premise behind BlogHer. It’s not like I make money off of them.
    5: Obviously! TWD and DB, and I try to follow along with the Bread Baking Babes, to get my bread fix in.

    Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! I hope you are getting settling into your new job nicely, and things slow down a bit for you! :D

  • 8. Jen  |  December 22, 2008 at 1:56 pm

    1. My process is kind of weird… I always upload the pics and write up the recipe the day that I made things. Then I save it as a draft. I go back later and add the story and format it. This way I can bust out about 10 blog posts in an hour or so. Then I set them to post on a certain date. Right now I have my blog posts written for the next 2 weeks or so.

    2. Fav – definitely comments :) Least – when I can’t get a good picture or when something just doesn’t look good photographed.

    3. Whenever I have time. Mostly on the weekends though.

    4. I’m not to worried about them. Honestly, I read through GR so I barely ever see the adds. The only time I actually visit a blog is to add a comment.

    5. I like them. I enjoy trying new things.


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